Thursday, October 4, 2012

What Is Google Adsense

 Google AdSense is the most powerful tools to create your Ads for growing traffic on your webpage or blog and also to make money by showing Ads on your websites or blogs. But here we will discuss only  the technique of earning money by showing Ads of Google AdSense. First of all you must be a owner of a website or a blog site to show up Google AsSense's Ad. If you are the owner Let’s start with Google AdSense.

Go to and log in with your Google ID. If your account doesn’t have an AdSense account associated with it you will use sign up button to create a new Google Adsense account as shown below.

Fill out the required information and click the Submit Information button at the bottom of the page. After your account is approved you’ll be eligible to start adding code to your website or blog.

Now you have to paste some HTML codes into your website or blog to make Ads work. You also need to make sure that the Ads are placed so that people will see and click on them. You should do it in HTML mode not in the visual editor and also see a preview of the Ad before you copy and paste the code. It’s heard very crazy but doing very easy. Copy the code from Google AdSense and then go to the administration portion of your website or browser where you are able to add widgets to your theme. Create a text widget and paste the code into it. Now save and reload your website or blog and enjoy the earning.
After successful registration go to Account Settings tab then in Default ad display preferences. By this option you can decide which type of Ad you want to show only text Ad or text and image Ad, select the right option as you wish to show on your webpage or blog.
Payment settings is very important for you. But Google AdSense provide you the access of payment option's  after your account balance reaches $10.00. In Performance reports tab you will get your estimate earning, Total Page views, Page CTR, CPC, and Page RPM.

The most important thing is that AdSense isn’t the one and only Ad networks or programs. But it’s sure that Google is proud of the system they built but it is neither perfect nor the best solution for everyone. How much can you earn from AdSense? Essentially, it can range from zero to thousands of dollars a month. You earn money from AdSense when someone clicks an Ad on your site. Generally that single click pays you a few cents. But AdSense is a game of scale and numbers. To make money with AdSense you have to attract a lot of people to your site.

Thanks for your patience to read this whole writing. After few days you will find me on this website addressed as

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